Auricular Acupuncture

Therapuetic Approaches

Acupuncture is based on traditional chinese medicine. The ear protocol designed to assist in the treatment of addiction. It can help to calm the mind, ease withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings as well as promoting well being. Auricular acupuncture uses
fine needles to stimulate specific parts of the body to heal itself. Results may be felt rapidly, more often the reactions are sustained over a period of time, benefits are cumulative with succesive treatments. I am Yuan trained.

Clinical supervision: I offer creative clinical supervision and Counselling supervision to individuals and groups within the counselling and
social care fields. I work with therapists, teachers, nurses, practitioners, team leaders and management.
As a creative clinical supervisor I work towards providing a regular space for supervises to reflect upon the content and the process of their work to
ensure that as a person and as a worker you are not left to carry unnecessary difficulties, problems or projections on your own. I provide a safe confidential space for you to explore and express personal distress, transference or counter-transference that maybe brought up by the work. My
aim is to help you to plan and utilise personal and professional resources better. I will assist you to be able to be pro-active rather than reactive.